Blog Assignment #3 - Image 10: Opportunity Statue (p. 62)

When Opportunity Comes Knocking As you all may recall, to challenge the process, you must be willing to take risks and seek out different opportunities. Having a growth mindset will be key in challenging the process as a leader. Think about how you can be proactive in seeking opportunities. In the text Habitudes , you will take a look at Image 10 and answer the following "Reflect & Respond" questions by Friday, February 26th at 11:59pm: 1.) How do you use your time? We all mean well at the beginning of each day, but somehow we get off track and waste so much of it. What stands in your way of using your time wisely? 2.) Think back on your previous leadership experiences. In 2 paragraphs (4-6 sentences), describe a time that you missed out on an opportunity. How did it make you feel? Do you regret missing the opportunity? What will do next time to ensure your don't miss any opportunities? 3.) Why do you think so many of us simply waste so much of our time? Why don...