Blog Assignment #1 - Image 4: Thermostat & Thermometer (p. 23)

Are you a Thermostat or Thermometer as a Leader? As you may recall from our lesson, Practice 1: Model the Way, leaders have a responsibility of clarifying their values and setting an example for others. It is important to remember this as you all continue to embark on your journey as leaders. You will come in contact with leaders who are either thermostats or thermometers. Which will you become? In the text Habitudes , you will take a look at Image 4 and answer the following "Reflect & Respond" questions by Thursday, January 28 at 11:59pm: 1.) How does this image relate to modeling the way? Please provide an example. 2.) Most people say they own a set of values, but many don't live by the values they claim. Why do you think there may be a gap between what we say and what we do? Why should you try to avoid hypocrisy as a leader? 3.) What does it take to live by a set of values? 4.) Think back to a time when you worked with a teacher or leader of organization who was...